Skeleton Panel Plugin
David Schneider
2011-12-27 04:55:26 UTC
Hi, I'm interested in making a small plugin that embeds other application
windows into the panel (such as the pidgin buddy list).

Is there a good skeleton plugin that I can start from? If not, which
(preferably simple) plugin do you recommend learning the basic requirements
and preferred style from? I have plenty of C experience, but have only
touched GTK through Python and haven't dealt with Xfce libraries at all.

Harold Aling
2011-12-27 08:35:48 UTC
Post by David Schneider
Hi, I'm interested in making a small plugin that embeds other application
windows into the panel (such as the pidgin buddy list).
Hey David,

I'm not quite sure what you wish to do. Something like AllTray does?


Jannis Pohlmann
2011-12-27 10:56:00 UTC
On Mon, 26 Dec 2011 23:55:26 -0500
Post by David Schneider
Hi, I'm interested in making a small plugin that embeds other
application windows into the panel (such as the pidgin buddy list).
Is there a good skeleton plugin that I can start from? If not, which
(preferably simple) plugin do you recommend learning the basic
requirements and preferred style from? I have plenty of C experience,
but have only touched GTK through Python and haven't dealt with Xfce
libraries at all.
Have a look at the sample plugin:


That might help you get started.

- Jannis
David Schneider
2011-12-27 13:24:39 UTC
Post by Harold Aling
Hey David,
I'm not quite sure what you wish to do. Something like AllTray does?
Not quite. The idea would be to embed the entire window directly into the
panel, so that you could essentially turn windows like xclock and IM buddy
lists into very large panel plugins, like this:
Loading Image...
That's actually Pidgin embedded into the panel, but I do it with a hack
script using xdotool and the height is fixed (the other two plugins are
genmon). With a panel plugin, I assume the window would be able to resize to
the available height. With my normal setup, that panel actually isn't that
huge relative to the entire desktop (it's on the far right of three monitors),
and when I undock my laptop, I set it to auto-hide, and so I have an
auto-hiding buddy list.
I'm not sure how useful most people will find such a plugin, but it seems like
a good tool for the creative, alongside genmon and generic slider.
Post by Harold Aling
That might help you get started.
- Jannis
That looks perfect! Thanks!

Liviu Andronic
2011-12-28 14:00:18 UTC
Post by David Schneider
auto-hiding buddy list.
I'm not sure how useful most people will find such a plugin, but it seems like
Personally I would find it useful to embed 'imapnotify' [1] in an
auto-hidden panel.


[1] http://www.panix.com/~grante/files/
